Accounting + Tax + CFO

The complete Finance solution for your Business.

eCommerce Business

We integrate apps such as A2X to provide a complete solution for revenue, inventory and GST.

Professional Services

We specialize in helping service companies such as lawyers, consultants and health care practitioners.

Online Sellers

Do you earn money online on any platform such as youtube, facebook etc.? We are equipped be your finance department.

I run e-commerce in USA, Canada and I was always looking for a reliable book keeping / accounting firm with whom we can work closely. Fortunately, we have found CPA logic! An amazing firm with quality people. I highly recommend them for all your e-commerce needs.

3MH Canada @ Google Reviews

Been working with Hussain for years now and couldn’t be happier – it’s not that they just do a great job, I’ve learned a lot about how I can optimize my business practices in terms of financial prepping and forecasting. He’s done a lot for us and I can’t thank him enough.

- Boss Physio @ Google Reviews

As a growing fast paced Law Firm, we really needed an accounting firm that understood technology to help us establish our accounting and provide us CFO services to help us grow.

Hussain is exceptional in his field, he took the time to really understand what me and my team needed. He is always available to answer questions in detail. He fixed our books, automated our processes and created a tax strategy to minimize our taxes. Looking forward to growing our business with CPA Logic and I would recommend them to all small businesses. Keep up the good work!

Advent Legal @ Google Reviews

Client based Modelling

Our processes are client centric and designed for convienience to clients. We excel at saving you money!

Bundled Pricing

Our simple bundled pricing provides clarity and confidence. With standardized competitive rates we are available all year round to fulfill your requirements.

Cloud Based Integration

Financials at your fingertips any time and any where you like. Through state of the art technology we integrate all aspects of your business.

Lighting Fast Responses

Our team is always connected and ready to respond to your questions. Spend more time on your business instead of commuting to offices.

Quality Reporting

You can count on us to provide timely reports, financial analysis  and budgeting. As your partners we play a critical role in helping you grow your business.

The Importance of Section 85 Rollover: Transitioning to a Corporation

If you’re a sole proprietor or in a partnership considering incorporating your business, Section 85 rollover can be a crucial tool in your financial toolkit. Here’s why it’s important and what you need to know. Why is Section 85 Important? Incorporating your business...

eCommerce Sales Tax in Canada (Simplified)

eCommerce Sales Tax in Canada (Simplified) eCommerce Sales tax in Canada can be a complicated ordeal. eCommerce businesses in Canada are thriving like never before! Since 2020, there has been a new wave of businesses going online and shoppers are now accustomed to...

Tax Tips for Independent Contractors and Self Employed individuals in Canada

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Services for Businesses

As a small business you need to focus on growing. We act as your virtual Accounting Department – saving you space, time and money.

Corporate and Business Tax Filing

Every business is required to file a tax return yearly. We will implement tax minimization strategies to ensure your payable is low. More in your pocket to reinvest back in your business.

Budgets, Forecasts and Reports

Knowledge is power. Every successful business needs timely, accurate and relevant financial reporting. This is critical for decision making. Budgets allow you to plan ahead – set benchmarks to grow your business and minimize expenses.

Tax and Financial Planning

We will discuss personalized strategies for you to minimize tax and meet your goals. For businesses the perfect mix of compensation in Dividend, Salary, Bonus and Loan is critical. Tax deferral strategies allow you to keep more in your pocket now.


Compilations of Financial Statements

We gather your data/transactions to produce Profit and Loss statements, Balance Sheet and Notes. At every year end this is needed to file Income Tax returns and to assess your company’s performance. 


Every transaction in your business should be accounted for and booked correctly to the right accounts. We take the headache away from you and provide timely, accurate bookkeeping services, so you can focus on running your business.


Payroll Services and Other Returns

If you have employees or decide to pay yourself as an employee in a corporation, we can handle your payroll completely. Also depending on the complexity of your business you may require returns such as HST, T5, T4, T2125 & T5013. 

Services for Individuals

As an individual we help you focus on paying minimum taxes, having the right mix of RRSP and TFSA. Investment plan is critical for your future and tax planning goes hand in hand.

Tax Returns

With so many forms, credits and deductions it can be easy to miss something. We provide checklists and follow up with you to make sure no credits are missed. You pay minimum taxes or get the maximum refund.

Personal Financial Planning

Every individual and family should save for the future. For this it is important to balance your own financial budget. Let us help you create a budget which keeps in mind your lifestyle and goals.


Incorporation Services

Going from a sole proprietorship to corporation? We can assist by doing the incorporation for you. Discussion on shareholding structure, directors, rules and limitations will be required. We will provide you with articles of incorporation and submit the all forms.

CRA Audit Representation

If you are audited by CRA or are required to submit specific documents we can represent you. This ensures the right amount or information goes to the auditors to eliminate any unnecessary delays and issues.

Business Pricing Packages

There is a lot that goes into the compliance side of businesses. We provide flexible packages for growing companies. Because each business needs are unique, please contact us for free a consultation and we will provide you a personalized quote.

Registered CPA Firm

CPA Logic is a registered firm with CPA Ontario. 

Contact Us

Connect with us for a free consultation

+1 (647) 510-6787


18 King Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON M5C 1C4

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    Tax saving tips and tricks!

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